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Jaime Foxx, singer, and comedian posted an emotional message on social media overnight.

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said he never wanted anyone to see him with tubes coming from his body. Jamie also said in the video that he went to hell and back

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He also said that he knew a lot of people have been waiting for updates about his condition but "to be honest with you, I just didn't want you to see me like that."

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 Foxx thanked his sister Deidra Dixon and daughter Corinne, God, and the "great medical people" who treated him.

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Foxx attempted to dispel rumors about his health, including the possibility that he was blind or paralyzed.

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Foxx said he was grateful to be recovering, but “every once in a while I just burst into tears — it’s because it’s been tough, man. I was sick, man.”

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credit : Getty images

Jaime  Foxx ended the video by saying, "I'm on my way back."

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credit : Getty images

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